Villilan Päiväkoti


In order to get to this school, located towards  Nokia, some kilometers away from Tampere’s city center, our host, Sari Mantyla, left us astonished by having a municipal bus come and pick us up. So kind!

To our right, beside the cycling path, we see (in a slightly blurry photo) a... woman who carries a boy in her bicycle


This school was brand new. It was located in a new neighbourhood which was fastly growing. Many streets still had to be tarmacked and the houses off the school’s fence were barely inhabited. The school, in the neighbourhood’s center, made it lifely


The children were waiting for us in the porch, singing a song.


Before visiting the center, Sari Mantyla, one of the responsible persons for the social services of Tampere’s council, explains us the structure of the care services for the children in this city.


We follow her explanation attentively.


Once she finishes her speech, we deliver some presents, a reminder of our visit, to the responsible persons in the center.


Just starting our visit, something attracts our attention. It is a special material which is hooked to the wall and allows nailing needles which do not leave any hole when removing them.


As in other schools, we find a group of children of different ages eating quietly.


Also here we find the beds which can be folded inside the cabinets. If this sort or any other type of furniture interests you, you can find some directions in a link in the main page of the trip. Or, if you-d rather, just click here!


In a room we find a group of children doing some activities they have been asked to do.


Once again, we find out that in all the centers a great importance is given to information and communication technologies.


A real kitchen, fully equipped and operative, is designed according to the children’s height. The oven is working and, with the teachers help, the kids prepared bread and other food.


In different places we find trays and baskets with glass, pottery or natural material tools.


In the warehouse, the materials kept are usually used by the school. There are shelves and some furniture with drawers that looks very practical.

Spring begins, the plants and the ground are ready to be worked on. To the garden with the children.


Another group eats while we’re looking around. These chairs interest us. They seem very comfortable for children. And they are also useful for adults, who can sit down with them.


Peaceful, quiet, individual play. Each child does his or her own. They are only interrupted by our presence.


At the end of our visit, another bus is waiting for all of us to get in so we can undertake the return trip.

Trip To Finland with the magazine Infancia, from the Teachers’ Association Rosa Sensat. April/May 2002
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