Ruoholahti Päiväkoti By Maria José Ortega |
This is a center which offers various services to the
area: day care of children between 1 and 6 years old, also offering an
enlargement of this service in the afternoon, and working as a leisure
center for young students after they leave school in the afternoon. As per the children between 1 and 6 years old, the center has a group
for children between 1 and 3 years old and three groups for children between
3 and 6, with the pre-scholar children integrated in the latter. One of
these groups also attends the children in the afternoon. Its work methodology is through projects. These arise from the interests
and needs of the children, and they work at distinct levels according
to the children’s possibilities. The children’s interests
mark their rhythm and duration. Sometimes they start with an extense project
and carry on working in parts of it, with particular themes that keep
growing and carry them to new aspects of the work. We see their files. Each theme is treated from an approach of plastic
expression, music, stories, experiences.... they count on the contribution
of parents and, in some cases, other resources of their surroundings. There is an extreme care over the spaces’ aesthetics, colours, decoration. The rooms are big and welcoming, and combine familiar elements: sofas, flowers, environment materials. There is a great deal of plastic works done by the children, pretty and creative. We also find different spaces to rest and intimacy, spaces shared by children and adults, and the spaces for older children are also prepared to favour resting, and their relationship. |
Trip To Finland with the magazine
Infancia from the Taechers’ Association Rosa Sensat. April/May 2002 © |