Siilitie Päiväkoti


Two one-storey buildings circled a garden with several zones. One was prepared for children between 10 months and 3 years old, and the other one, for children amongst 3 and 6 years old.

We emphasize that there was no fences to separate the older children from the smaller. And we could verify they lived together with no problems.


Each nest has the life/book of a child.


The height of this furniture allows parents to sit down and be near his/her child, to help him/her to get changed.


Welcoming corners created with furniture adapted to the children.


You could find the same sofas in diverse spaces.


The zones shared by adults children were gifted  with computers and Xeroxing machine, They were integrated inside this homemade furniture, clean and full of plants.


Many schools arrange sewing machines that are shared with the parents, who collaborate elaborating several pieces and constructions for the school.


These sofas can be transformed into several beds.


They mixed natural corners, tables with mathematical play proposals or stories, symbolic zones of play as a living room…


A trolley, similar to that of a baker, allows to keep the materials and to move them around.


Natural materials which are used for the school’s ambientation.


Meeting rooms and rooms for the parents. They can take a coffee, surf through Internet...


The cooks, the dinning room, the computer, the table... welcoming spaces, which have multiple uses and can be shared.


Each space does not have a changing room, there is only one shared by all the school. And why not a good bathtub?


Including a small room, shared by all the children in the school, with a marriage bed, a smaller bed with handrails and, beside it, a washroom. All in children’s proportions so that they feel invited to play.


Pepa Alcrudo, one of our translators, delivers some reminders of our visit to the teacher who, kindly, attended us in Spanish. Amongst other things, she explained us the parents’ participation. Many walls in the school were decorated with pictures done by the children.


The garden, rich in resources and materials, presented large trees, hills, ramps with various slides and stairs, structures to climb, to be swung, to tumble, tables and wooden banks, tricycles, sandbed, shovels…


A group of the older children were developing an activity on the picnic tables, while others  descended down the slides or swung… The adults observed the play or spoke with some childs.

Trip To Finland with the magazine Infancia from the Teachers Association Rosa Sensat. April/May 2002